Knowing the owner of a property is important for a handful of reasons. First and foremost, it can help you learn more about the people who live around you, including your closest neighbors. Furthermore, it can help you determine if a neighborhood is safe.
Aside from getting to know people, finding the owner of a property can help you get in touch with the owner if you’re interested in purchasing the property. In fact, having this information can even help you better assess the taxes and value of the home.
If you want to learn this information, you’re in the right place. This article takes you through how to find the owner of property by address for free.
Four Ways to Find the Owner of Property by Address
There are a handful of ways to find the owner of a property by address for free, but some are better than others.
To help you narrow down your options and avoid wasting time, we cover some of the simplest methods you can use. Plus, each option is more accurate than running a basic Google search, so you don’t have to worry about wasting your time.
Learn more about the four best ways to find the owner of a property with an address below.
The best way to find the owner of a property by address for free is to use UnMask. Available as a website or an app, UnMask offers a wide variety of public records search tools that will help you discover information about people, properties, and even phone numbers.

When you want to find the owner of a property by address for free, you’ll need to use UnMask’s address lookup. This is a tool that allows you to search for information about a property or person with only their address. Simply enter the address into the search tool and let UnMask do the rest.
When you run a search with UnMask, you can discover the owner of a property, learn more about the property’s value, and view other essential public records about a home. In fact, you can even learn more about the people who live at a property when you open the full report.
County Clerk’s Office
The second-best way to find out who owns a property by address for free is to make a trip to the County Clerk’s Office in the jurisdiction of the property owner. If you have their address, you shouldn’t have any problems finding the County Clerk’s Office because you can search for its location on Google using context from the address.
To obtain this information from the County Clerk’s Office you’ll have to make a trip. This means that you’ll need to head there in person and speak with someone. While it’s a free way to find this information, they may ask you some questions first and you have to make the trip out.
Some County Clerk’s Offices have online resources, but you may have to pay to use them. Still, it’s worth checking.
Tax Assessor’s Office
The Tax Assessor’s Office is another great way to find out who owns a property by address for free. Once you know where the appropriate office is located you can pay them a visit with the address in question and ask to learn more about it.

Because information about property taxes is public record, they can provide you with details about the owner of a property. However, they may be reluctant to provide more details about the owner.
Real Estate Professionals
When working with real estate professionals, whether they be agents or brokers, they can help you identify the owner of a property for free. This is because real estate professionals tend to have access to public records search tools that can supply them with real-time information about a specific property.
That said, the only catch is that it helps to be working with them already. Therefore, we only recommend going this route if you plan on purchasing a property or if you’re close friends with them.
Find the Owner of a Property by Address Today
Finding the owner of a property by address has never been easier. With tools like UnMask, you can learn more about the owner of any property by entering their address into the address lookup tool. Plus, getting started is completely free.
Additionally, you can do an even deeper dive by visiting the County Clerk’s Office, Tax Assessor’s Office or by working with local real estate professionals. Ultimately, you have options, and you don’t have to worry about opening your wallet.